Thursday, 27 March 2014

L'échange va commencer bientôt!

The annual Year 9 French exchange will be getting underway very shortly on Thursday 3rd April and staying until  10th April. Cowbridge Year 9 students will be hosting 30 French students from Collège St.Paul in Rezé, Nantes. Whilst the French students are staying with our students and their families they will be enjoying a wide variety of activities including speed boating around Cardiff bay, visiting Cardiff castle, the Millenium Stadium, not to mention trying out cooking in the DT department. (In France students don't do cooking in school so it is real novelty for them!) Follow the blog for more updates!

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

How to add money to your salary!

Reuters news agency produced this video today about the value of learning languages and which languages you should learn and where. See how high up French and German come in the list!

Can German ever be gender neutral with no der,die or das?

The Guardian wonders why Germans might gradually get rid of the cumbersome der, die and das in their language. After all why does a table have to be masculine (der Tisch) but a lamp have to be feminine (die Lampe)?!

Year 7 Spelling Bee Competition

Congratulations to 4 of our Year 7 pupils for making it through to the 3rd round of the National Spelling Bee competition for French. Superbe!

For more details about the spelling bee, please click here.

Our pupils will go on to compete against pupils from other schools on Wednesday 2nd April. The competition involves translating and spelling 150 words in French in front of an audience. Bonne chance!

Klasse 12 - Traditionen!

Hier sind einige schöne deutsche Traditionen! - Weihnachten, Karneval und Oktoberfest!

Monday, 24 March 2014

Klasse neun spielen 'Pictionary'!

On Friday 9X1 wowed the MFL Department with their artistic efforts. Pupils were given a sentence and told to draw it on their mini-whiteboards. Look at the pictures below. Can you work out what the German sentence was? (answer is given underneath)

The results were....interesting....

Well done 9X1 for being such excellent sports. Sehr gute Arbeit! 
The sentence responsible for these masterpieces was in fact 'Meine Katze und meine Schlange spielen gern Federball.' Well done if you guessed it!

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Year 7 ma famille

Regardez le film et répondez aux questions!

1. Write a list of the family members in French mentioned
2. What are their names?
3. Where is the sister?
4. Where is the aunt?

Make a note of any extra French words you hear or notice and what you think they mean in English.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Year 8 French have fun learning in a small group with the ipad.

Here are 8X4 with Monsieur Marwaha practising phrases for hobbies in French! Here is the video!

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Excellent Year 8 German homework!

This outstanding piece of German homework was completed by Jack Jenner in 8Y2. Jack's piece of work is outstanding because:

he used all the adjectives we have been learning in class to give opinions about school subjects
he used the connectives (und, aber, denn)
he looked up new words in
he used other new connectives: zum Schluss (in conclusion), nicht wirklich (not really)
he wrote accurately with excellent spelling
he showed how it is possible to write excellent extended writing even from very early on in your language studies!

Year 7 listening using puppet pals - Mon anniversaire!

Enjoy watching this video made for Year 7 on "quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?"

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Year 8 French - les passe-temps

Language families in Europe!

English is closely linked to both French and German! By learning these two languages it is much easier to learn other languages in both these lexical language families!